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Guiding Values

  • All children have the right to grow up in an environment free from neglect and abuse. Their best interests are paramount in all decisions affecting them.

  • Improving the safety and wellbeing of the children is a national priority.

  • The safety and wellbeing of children is primarily the responsibility of their families, who should be supported by their communities and governments.

  • Australian society values, supports and works in partnership with parents, families, and others in fulfilling their caring responsibilities for children.

  • Children and their families have the right to participate in decisions affecting them.

  • Policies and interventions are evidence informed

  • Children’s rights are upheld by systems and institutions

Guiding Principles

Many services and programs including Safe Start are playing a critical role in supporting families to keep children safe and well at home and reduce the need for children to be removed from their families to ensure their safety. Safe Start is guided by the principles of the Case Management Framework that works with the family, whilst keeping a Child Centred approach. This is done through:

  • Proactive engagement

  • Strengths based approach

  • Logical processes

  • Partnership with children, families and partnering agencies

  • Systemic links to broaden referral pathways

  • Outcomes driven to achieve family’s goals

  • Culturally responsive in an inclusive approach that respect culture and see culture as a strength

  • Holistic processes to encompass all factors to the child and family’s safety and wellbeing

  • Dynamic to be open to change and responsive to needs as they arise

Introducing UponFutures Safe Start Program

UponFutures Support Services Safe Start works with infants in the first 1000 days (pre-birth to 24 months) and their families who are experiencing complex issues. It provides coordinated, targeted, and culturally responsive engagement. Safe Start provides support to infants and their families to improve their safety, health, development, and wellbeing outcomes where child protection risk factors exist. Safe Start is committed to ‘Closing the Gap’ and enhancing interaction with health, wellbeing, and developmental outcomes for Aboriginal infants and their families. Safe Start does this through building strong local Aboriginal partnerships to guide interventions and case planning guided by formalised cultural consultation.

The key objective of the Safe Start is to engage at-risk women and their partnersthrough the antenatal period. Safe Start will assist with building on the family’s level of protectiveness and understanding, and their connection to kinship and community to strengthen their parenting capacity in preparation for the birth of their child. Safe Start will also provide support to families who have infants with a disability or complex needs, and child protection concerns. Safe Start will assist families in navigating the most appropriate pathways and in accessing services.

The Safe Start model is based on a collaborative, empowering practice, with a strengthens-based approach. Safe Start staff will work alongside families, colleagues, and agency partners, to provide an integrated and holistic approach. This model of practice supports the engagement of families earlier into the pregnancy and enables services to engage, that may not have been connected.

SEWB Social & Emotional Social Wellbeing